
Our products are mainly divided into two categories: fiocchi di patate and flavored instant mashed potatoes. Potato flakes are the core raw material for flavored instant mashed potatoes and can be used for the production of leisure foods like potato chips and other food products.

Standard Patata Flakes Overviews

Descrizione del prodotto

Standard potato flakes are one of the most common dehydrated products. La procedura di produzione prevede la sbucciatura delle patate fresche mediante una combinazione di vapore ad alta pressione e lavaggio con acqua, poi bisogna affettarlo, pre-cooked, and cooled. E, ha bisogno di essere cotto, purè, ed essiccato in bottale. Per uso finale, dried potato flakes by one or more grinding or milling can be prepared into standard flakes or standard milled flakes. I fiocchi di patate hanno un colore standard bianco brillante. Dopo la reidratazione, si trasforma in una consistenza secca e polverosa, dal sapore tipico della patata fresca cotta e schiacciata. I fiocchi di patate sono un tipo di materiale versatile, solitamente utilizzato per pranzi e cibi da forno, e applicato anche in altri produttori alimentari.

Raccomandazioni d'uso

Instant mashed potatoes can be used for:

  • Cenare
  • Family daily food
  • Buffet
  • Fried meatballs
  • Pasta
  • Spuntini
  • Most kinds of baked goods including cakes, biscotti, Pancakes, muffin, ciambelle fritte, pane, Ravioli, pane di mais
  • Come addensante per sughi, salse, and stew
  • Used as wrapped flour for cooking fish, carne, e verdure
  • Used as a binder for meat and fish
  • Pet food


  • Ideal Rehydration Method:
    • Standard rehydration should use cold milk with water up to 77 °C.
    • This method ensures a smooth powdery texture.
  • Avoid Boiling Water:
    • Boiling water should be avoided for rehydration.
    • Rehydrating in boiling water could cause cells to rehydrate too quickly.
    • Rapid rehydration may lead to cell rupture and result in a viscous texture.


Amido solubile liberomedio
Tasso di rottura delle celluleLow – Medium
AdditiviMonoglycerides; Pyrophosphate; Citric acid; Sodium bisulfite (opzionale)

Dopo la texture del complesso acquoso: polveroso, soffice, purè di patate fresche e simili

Fiocchi Di Patate Specifiche:

Densità apparente250 450 g/ft³
Dimensione delle particelle100% attraverso 1.7 mm (1680 microfono)
Contenuto di umidità10.0% (Massimo) by Weight
Sulfur Dioxide180 ppm (Massimo)
Ridurre gli zuccheri2.5% 0.4%

Limiti microbici:

TPC (Total Plate Count)100,000/G (Massimo)
Coliformi100/G (Massimo)
Enteropathogenic E. coliAssente

Nutrizione per 100 GRM. Appr:

Umidità6.00 G
Proteina cruda5.50 G
Carboidrati85.00 G
Fibra alimentare0.25 kg
Grasso grezzo0.25 G
Calorie380.0 Kcal

The Process of potato flakes production:

  1. Washing and Sorting: Fresh Potatoes are washed and removed dirt and debris. They are also sorted to ensure a consistent size for even cooking.
  2. Peeling: We need to peel the potatoes using peeling machines before the next processing stage.
  3. Cooking: The potatoes are cooked by high-temperature steam to ensure the potatoes become soft and can be easily mashed.
  4. Mashing: The cooked potatoes will be mashed into a uniform consistency at this stage by large industrial rollers or similar equipment.
  5. Drum Drying: Here the mashed potato is spread onto a rotating heated drum. As the drum turns, scrapers can remove the dried potato layer, which forms a continuous sheet.
  6. Milling and Sifting: The dried potato sheet will be broken up into flakes using mills and sifters. The size and texture of the flakes can be controlled at this stage.
  7. Packing: The finished potato flakes are cooled and packaged in airtight containers to prevent moisture absorption and spoilage.

The Key Technology used in potato flakes production:

  • Drum dryers: These are large and heated cylinders that rotate continuously. The mashed potato is spread onto the drum’s surface, where the heat rapidly dries it.
  • Milling and Sifting equipment: Industrial mills and sifters are used to break up the dried potato sheet into flakes of the desired size and texture.
  • Temperature control systems: Precise temperature control is crucial throughout the cooking and drying stages to ensure consistent quality and prevent scorching.

Flavored Instant Mashed Potatoes

Cheese-flavored instant mashed potato powder

Elevate Your Product Offerings:

You can take your food business to the next level with our bulk-flavored instant mashed potato powder. This product allows you to create delicious and convenient potato-based products effortlessly.

Flavor Variety & Customization:

We offer popular flavors like classic, chicken, cheese, burro, black pepper beef, etc. which are perfect for instant mashed potato products.

Customizable Options:

Don’t see any flavor you want? We can create unique flavor profiles to match your specific product vision and target audience. We can help to develop a lot of different flavored products to enhance your business.

Various Package Options:

We offer a range of bulk sizes (300G, 500G, 1kg, 2kg bags or cans) to fit your production needs, with competitive pricing for cost-effective manufacturing.

Cost Saving For Clients:

Quick and easy rehydration with hot water minimizes your production time and labor costs. Plus, the extended 12-month shelf life simplifies your inventory management.

Applications :

  • Instant Mashed Potato Products: Producing restaurant-quality instant mashed potatoes with a variety of flavor options.
  • Soup & Stew Bases: Enhancing the flavor and texture of your soups and stews with a creamy potato base.
  • Snack & Bakery Applications: Expand your product line with innovative potato-infused snacks or savory bakery fillings.
  • Restaurant & Foodservice: Offering quick and delicious potato side dishes to enhance your menu.